Interested in 24 hour drug screen availability? Call our office for a quote!

Your worker’s compensation experience modification rate (MOD) has a huge impact on what you pay for your annual premium. Our Affiliate program allows you to reduce your underlying costs and in turn reduce your MOD rate and premiums. As your premiums lower, so will the cost of your OHP Partnership.

By partnering with OHP, you will receive:

  • Reduced rate on all direct non- workman’s compensation medical services of 15%
  • Clinical and administrative services as well as case management
  • Independent objective conflict resolution
  • Wellness screenings and vaccine clinics
  • Workplace surveys for improved return to work, light duty and work restrictions
  • After hours triage services for injuries
  • Secure electronic communication to keep you, as the employer, informed of progress
  • All non-affiliate clinic services described on opposite page

Additional Programs Available:

  • Quarterly and annual occupational health financial review
  • Year-end summary of events and cost analysis with recommendations for improvements
  • Experience modifications strategies to improve rates and premiums
  • On-site ergonomic evaluations
  • In-house Industrial Health Programs

**On-Site services available. Please inquire for pricing.